Cry: The first tears of the day fell during my morning yoga class. In yoga, we are always working with action and resistance, stability and flexibility -- concepts that are as useful off the mat as on. The focus of this particular class was continued opening (we worked especially with the hips), pushing ourselves past our sticky points, letting down our defenses. At the same time, we talked about the strength and stability required to be so open. I'll say. As I laid in the final resting pose, I noticed that my hands, which were supposed to be fully relaxed, were still partially clenched. The tears flowed as I let them relax fully -- straight into the tears related to letting go of the aware-of-all-of-this-and-more-but-faraway man.
Cry: On the bike path on the way home from my evening fitness class, I just burst into tears again. The openness sure is here -- hope the strength kicks in again soon!
Cry: I went to see Waiting for Superman last night. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It's about an issue near and dear to my heart: improving the quality of schools for poor kids by ensuring that they all have a great teacher. Throughout most of the movie, I mainly felt angry that we'd failed generation after generation of these children. But at the end, when you see that some of the kids get selected by lottery to go to charter schools that improve their chance of success in life while some are relegated to their failing neighborhood school, the tears started flowing again. I don't know exactly how yet, but I vow to do something about this pernicious problem.
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