Friday, January 20, 2012


Day 2 of blaring internal music, and this time it's these lyrics I keep hearing:

What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you...

I object to these lyrics - that is, I believe that others can bring out the best in us but not that they are the best part of us -- but maybe that's just semantics.

I think I'm going to dedicate this song to a friend who is going through a divorce, and struggling with letting go. Few things are harder to deal with:

Oh you got his heart and my heart and none of the pain
You took your suitcase, I took the blame.
Now I'm try'na make sense of what little remains ooh
Cos you left me with no love and no love to my name.

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing
Just prayin' to a god that I don't believe in
Cos I got time while she got freedom
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't break
No it don't break
No it don't break even no

I think it's probably true that the heart doesn't break even, but I also think it is true that we are here to learn particular lessons, and when we choose to avoid them when they present themselves, they just come around again.

Small consolation for dealing with being the one with the (perceived) bigger half of the broken heart, but I think those of us who try to take responsibility deserve to get some credit for it...

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