Monday, July 4, 2016


My Father MADE this totem pole!
As if the glorious weather and lake-related play wasn't enough, we all also got to see, for the first time, the totem pole that my Dad MADE. I know, I've said that twice in this post and capitalized it both times, but I'm just so impressed. Wow! We were all impressed, and my son declared it an awesome addition to the cabin.

Cue Rush with a song about, you guessed it, totem poles:

I've got twelve disciples and a Buddha smile
Garden of Allah, Viking Valhalla
A miracle once in a while

I've got a pantheon of animals in a pagan soul
Vishnu and Gaia, Aztec and Maya
Dance around my totem pole
Totem pole...

I believe in what I see
I believe in what I hear
I believe that what I'm feeling
Changes how the world appears

Angels and demons dancing in my head
Lunatics and monsters underneath my bed
Media messiahs preying on my fears
Pop culture prophets playing in my ears

I've got celestial mechanics
To synchronize my stars
Seasonal migrations, daily variations
World of the unlikely and bizarre

I've got idols and icons, unspoken holy vows
Thoughts to keep well-hidden
Sacred and forbidden
Free to browse among the holy cows

That's why I believe

Angels and demons inside of me
Saviors and Satans all around me

So true. We can all be both at different points in our lives. I think the lesson for me is not to assume that someone who presented as the demon at one point will always and only be that demon. We've all got some of each inside us!

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