Sunday, December 2, 2012

Closing Time

With the closing time on my new home drawing nearer, it's not too surprising that this number's been on repeat inside my head recently:

Closing time
Time for you to go out go out into the world
Closing time
Turn the lights up over every boy and every girl
Closing time
One last call for alcohol so finish your whiskey or beer
Closing time
You don't have to go home but you can't stay here

And although the lyrics are not about closing a mortgage loan on a new home, they are about going home, and more specifically, about going home with your person:

I know who I want to take me home.
I know who I want to take me home.
I know who I want to take me home.
Take me home

And although I know who my person is, it's just me moving to my new house, with my kids, at least for now. And that brings up a whole lot of feelings, most of which aren't easy or comfortable. But I'm doing a pretty damn good job, if I do say so myself, of just being in that uncomfortable place, and my boyfriend's doing a pretty damn good job of being there with me.

Plus, that's not all there is to it. There's also the excitement about the new place, including the awesome space to both do yoga myself and practice with and teach others:

Closing time
Time for you to go back to the places you will be from

Sort of a strange lyric, but that's what yoga's all about, really. Getting back to our essence.

And I'm sure not all the sadness is related to man issues, either. Some of it is parting with this sacred space that held me and the kids after I left my marital home. This house has been good to us, and I trust it will be good to the next lucky people who get to call it their home, too:

Closing time
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...

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