Monday, April 2, 2012

The One I Love

My babes are off on an international adventure with their Dad, and today in the car I heard this REM classic and was reminded of the time recently when it came on the radio with my kids in the car:

This one goes out to the one I love

"The ones I love are Mom and Dad," said a little voice from the backseat. My heart melted. And it's a good thing us mothers have those moments, because they keep us going during rougher moments, such as the time recently when my daughter informed me I was no longer allowed to call her Sweetie.

"Awwww. Can't I still call you that at home?" I pleaded.

"No, because then you'll still be in the habit and you'll slip up and call me that in public."

Dang. I guess I knew they were going to grow up, it just isn't always easy. On the other hand, many things have gotten easier since they've gotten older -- eating out, long car rides -- and sometimes their awareness really rescues me even during the toughest moments. A couple of weekends ago, I was feeling really frustrated with them and not great about my ability as a parent to get us back on track.

In the midst of the mayhem, I sat down on the couch with a thud and exclaimed: "I'm no good at this."

Both of my kids came rushing over, looks of concern on their faces, and said, in unison: "Yes you are, Mom. You're not the problem."


This one goes out to the (little) one(s) I love, wherever they are laying their heads tonight...

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