Friday, April 4, 2014

My Prayer

A few weeks ago, my kids expressed an interest in a story they'd heard about someone who aged in reverse. I told them I'd seen a movie about that, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and they asked me to get it on Netflix so we could watch it together.

It took us a couple of weeks to find the time and a couple of days to watch it once we made the commitment (it's super long), but it was worth the wait to watch it together. I remember liking it the first time I saw it, but watching it this time, with one kid on either side of me, was magical. And sad. I felt so grateful that I got to give birth to my two beautiful babies and get to watch them grow up, I did what I do quite often when emotions arise: I cried and cried.

The other thing I felt grateful about, watching this movie about love with my kids, is the man I'm in love with -- he's so real and so good and so completely in my corner. And my kids' corner -- the visit wasn't just good for me -- it was good for them too:

So I picked this song from the soundtrack, about love and devotion, to mark this day:

When the twilight is gone and no songbirds are singing
When the twilight is gone you come into my heart
And here in my heart you will stay while I pray

My prayer is to linger with you
At the end of the day in a dream that's divine
My prayer is a rapture in blue
With the world far away and your lips close to mine

Tonight while our hearts are aglow
Oh tell me the words that I'm longing to know

My prayer and the answer you give
May they still be the same for as long as we live
That you'll always be there at the end of my prayer

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