Thursday, March 5, 2015

Let's Be Still

Today I attended my first ever hot yoga class. It was a 90 minute, Bikram sequence in a 105 degree room. I went at the suggestion of a friend -- and I'd been meaning to check out the studio (which is about a mile from my house) for a while. I'd heard a lot of negative things about hot yoga, but also know people who swear by it, and now seemed like a great time to try it.

It was crazy cold today -- below zero when I got up -- and the hundred degree differential was a little overwhelming at first. But I found that the heat (and perhaps the sequence, but definitely the heat) allowed me to let go in a way that I haven't in a long, long time.

On the way home, I heard this song. It seems fitting because there are a whole bunch of really short savasanas (or rests) during the sequence, and they seem to come right when they're needed:

If things don't slow down soon we might not last.
So just for the moment, let's be still.

You can get lost in the music for hours, honey,
You can get lost in a room.
We can play music for hours and hours
But the sun'll still be coming up soon.

The world's not forgiving
Of everyone's fears.

Here come my two favorite lines:

The days turn into months, the months turn into years.

It happens, you know? It happens with relationships, it happens with jobs, it happens with kids. All the important things in life. From where I sit right now, this piece of advice seems so critical:

So just for the moment, let's be still

There tearing down
So we can rebuild
And all this time
Is just circles in my mind
So just for a moment,
Just one moment,
Just for a moment let's be still
Just for a moment let's be still
Just for a moment let's be still
Just for a moment let's be still.

The world's just spinning
A little too fast
If things don't slow down soon we might not last.
The world's not forgiving
Of everyone's fears.
The days turn into months the months turn into years.
So just for a moment, let's be still

Yes. Let's. And let's listen to what our hearts say during stillness...

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