Monday, May 13, 2013

U Got the Look

You know when the inner ipod shuffles onto Prince, things are looking up. There are no exceptions to this rule. So when I was unloading my bike from my car on Monroe Street this morning (my ritual when I have my kids -- drop them at school and then park and ride) and I started hearing this song, I knew I had experienced a shift:

U walked in, I woke up
I never seen a pretty girl
Look so tough, baby
U got that look
Color u peach and black
Color me takin aback
Crucial, I think I wantcha

Youve got the look, youve got the hook
U shonuf do be cookin in my book
Your face is jammin
Your bodys heck-a-slammin
If love is good, lets get 2 rammin
U got the look, u got the look

You gotta love Prince's lyrics. He doesn't mess around with euphemisms, does he?

I can't say for sure why my psyche made this selection today, but I can tell you that about a week ago, I was not feeling like I had the look. Au contraire. And when I went in last Friday for some counseling/bodywork, I talked to my teacher about that. She said that when we release old stuff from a trauma there is often a film over everything -- maybe that's what I was experiencing. Maybe. In any case, I'm glad that, for today at least, the film has lifted:

Look here
U got the look (u got the look)
U musta took (u musta took)
A whole hour just 2 make up your face, baby
Closin time, ugly lights, everybodys inspected (everybodys inspected)
But u are a natural beauty unaffected (unaffected)
Did I say an hour?
My face is red, I stand corrected (I stand corrected)

Here we are folks
The dream we all dream of

You got the look
You got the look
You got the look
You got the look
You got the look

And I'll tell you what else might have inspired this number -- Madison has got that springtime look at the moment -- blossoming trees and flowers everywhere set against bright blue skies -- ahhhhhh...

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