Friday, July 16, 2010

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Am I glad this one popped into my head today! It's a bit mysterious that it did, because there's no rainbow in the sky here in Madison, though you can be assured there's one in my beloved Maui, whether I'm there to see it or not.

I guess it isn't surprising that Judy Garland's plaintive version of this song in the Wizard of Oz has inspired a lot of others to do their own versions, but what I think is surprising is the variety. Jeff Beck's instrumental guitar version is really beautiful, and it has me motivated anew to start those guitar lessons. Rufus Wainwright, whom I read about in this fascinating article a few months ago, takes a stab at it to mixed reviews from youtube viewers. I quite like Rufus's version, now that I feel like I know him -- you may want to read the article before you listen so you know the whole story about his heartbreak over losing his mum to cancer. Eva Cassidy's stunning voice does it justice, in my opinion -- whereas Eric Clapton's doesn't do much for me. Maybe it's the sound of the ukulele, or the association with one of my favorite places on the planet, or the sight of this HUGE dude in a sarong, but I reckon I like Iz's version best.

Oh, and I know it's a bit out of character for me, but in this case it really isn't the lyrics that move me. Because I believe right here, right now, the dreams that I dare to dream really do come true.

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