Saturday, June 1, 2013

Made Up My Mind

In last week's modern love, author Augusten Burroughs writes about his recent nuptials, describing that at one point he had fought back his romantic feelings with a machete because there were a thousand reasons why his attraction to the man who is now his husband was impossible. And then he wrote some of the coolest prose I've ever read:

"But impossible is a concept that makes one's heart laugh and throw peanuts at the television."

I absolutely love that line. I love being led by my heart. I love that my friend from New England followed his heart to the Midwest despite his misgivings about how it might work out.

I'm not gonna lie -- I'm not to the point where I love how it has worked out, but it's pretty clear what's going on here. My mind got it a long time ago, and my heart is finally coming to accept it.

Pondering this this morning, an apropos David Gray song started playing:

So I made up my mind
I made up my mind
Gonna move on ahead
Instead of lagging behind
Instead of lagging behind

I made up my mind....

I don't like this David Gray song nearly as much as I like his slower songs about being in love. And I don't like letting go of love as much as I like falling into it. I don't suppose anybody does.

But I have to trust that my heart will continue to guide me, eventually back to that falling in love space, and I love knowing that if I try to resist it, I can count on my heart to laugh and throw peanuts at the television...

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