Friday, August 6, 2010

Maybe I'm Amazed

Yesterday I had one of those days with my kids that was just filled with one moment after another to savor and take note of what amazing human beings they've turned out to be. We went to visit my friend's twin daughters -- now 8 months old -- and were amazed at how much they've grown. I also loved seeing how into them both of my kids were -- and as I picked up my 7-year old I was amazed that she could really be the same child who was once my chubby baby.

My friend also remarked about how much my son has changed in the last couple of years -- he really is a different kid and I believe it is largely because he's no longer internalizing the tension that was so often present when his father and I were still married. I'm amazed that it's almost two years since I've been the master of my own domain, and how wonderful it feels to be living with so much more peace.

Watching my kids walk around the spice store together trying to decide what to get to spice the sushi-grade salmon that was going to be our dinner that night, I heard this song.

And today as my daughter was rubbing my arm to help me go to sleep when I wanted a 20 minute nap, I again heard (this time internally):

Maybe I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time...

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