Saturday, April 30, 2011


I'm trying to get over the fact that there's no "h" on the end of Sara in the title of this song -- I feel like that makes it a less than perfect choice for my birthday, but perfect is overrated anyway.

And with that all decided, here are the three reasons for picking this one today:

1) After a lovely birthday gathering at a local bar where I got to see many of my beloved friends, I got to go with my man and some couple friends to another friend's dance party. When the DJ realized it was my birthday, he said "Oh! I'll have to play Jefferson Starship!" which I thought was very cute. Unfortunately, there were so many enjoyable 80s songs cued up before it that I didn't end up getting to hear it, but I sure am enjoying it on youtube as I write this...

Sara, Sara, storms are brewin' in your eyes
Sara, Sara, no time is a good time for goodbyes

2) Which brings me to the second reason. When I told my boyfriend that the forecast for my birthday was stormy, he said he thought that was appropriate. "What does that mean?" I asked. He explained that he thought I had a stormy aspect of my personality, in a good way. And I could feel the goodness and the appreciation for my fire in his voice. Love that and this:

We're fire and ice, the dream won't come true...

...almost as much as I love the fact that my man and I are fire & fire, and I think our dream will come true.

3) And last but not least, I'm celebrating 40 years as SaraH today, and I'm welcoming, as I celebrate, whatever comes next, JS style:

Go now don't look back we've drawn the line
Move on it's no good to go back in time...

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