Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tomorrow People

I woke up early this morning -- with the sun in my unshaded bedroom -- with this song floating through my mind:

Tomorrow people, where is your past?
Tomorrow people, how long will you last?
Tomorrow people, where is your past?
Tomorrow people, how long will you last?

I know that on some level, he's talking about nations' need to know their history lest they be doomed to repeat it, but that's not why I think it got fired up on the internal jukebox this morning. I think that's all about me making peace with my past and making a decision to live in the now, now matter how uncomfortable it may be, to really show up for what is, rather than living for tomorrow:

Today you say you deyah
Tomorrow you say you're gone
But you're gone so long
If there is no love in your heart - so sorry
Then there is no hope for you - true, true

There's love in my heart, that's for sure. And I've got so many people pulling for me -- I feel super lucky. All that support helps me feel up for being a today person, whatever the day brings.

And today brought a lot of goodness. I got to practice Ashtanga at Mound Street for the first time -- a merging of my yoga lives -- and that felt really good. I wore my birthday shoes (one of the two pairs) and got tons of compliments on them. I taught a heart chakra yoga class and one of my students afterward told me how much she enjoyed the spiritual aspect of my classes, which was awesome. I even got a compliment on my road bike on the way to my second yoga practice of the day, which was random but also nice. The person asked me how much it cost, and I said I didn't know, that it was a gift, but it gets me places and makes me happy when I ride it!

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